To follow up from CR10 we want to map out how CR10 is moving our work, what we took away from the conference and where we are going. If you have a reportback, email it to us at cr10news@criticalresistance.org
From Carlos Perez de Alejo of Austin, TX
*Member of the Student/Farmworker Alliance
*Volunteer organizer for the Workers Defense Project/*Proyecto Defensa Laboral
"The energy and focus of CR10 was refreshing. The conference structure itself was an inspiring microcosm of an alternative way of living: gender-neutral bathrooms, free medical and childcare, affordable and healthy food, quality entertainment, and collective education on pressing social problems. Also, the explicit emphasis on building power within communities most intimately affected by the PIC--whether through centering the voices and leadership of former prisoners, or establishing community-based collectives--is a strategy that more organizations across the country should be adopting right now if we genuinely want to uproot the deep structural problems afflicting the US, and the planet. I look forward to seeing CR grow in the coming years and would like to thank all the organizers in Oakland and elsewhere for a great conference."
Engaging in an organizing project as large and complex as the CR10 gathering will require many volunteers! The project is almost entirely volunteer run, so we need as many people as possible to support the project